Ann Arbor Re-DO?

As you all know, I was supposed to speak at the Ann Arbor DO last Saturday. I committed to this many months ago and was really looking forward to the event. Aside from my presentation, I was excited about meeting readers, fellow bloggers, and catching up with friends. My presentation topic was supposed to be about my time volunteering at the Thessaloniki and Calais refugee camps last summer.

It was a sobering experience that I thought lots of people in this hobby might benefit from hearing about. Unfortunately, I missed my flight in Atlanta on Saturday and couldn’t catch the subsequent two that would have gotten me in on time.

Luckily Stefan from Rapid Travel Chai filled in for me (thanks Stefan!), though a few people expressed disappointment that I missed the event. I sincerely apologize to anyone I disappointed – also, thanks for even caring. 😜

I’ve been talking to Dave (FT Handle: Bikeguy) about organizing a meet-up to make up for my absence at the Ann Arbor DO. Apparently, about half the attendees were locals, while the rest flew in from around the country. He suggested doing a Skype session so that as many people as possible could attend.

It’s obviously not the same as an in-person meet-up, but it’s the best way to reach the most people. I’ll give my presentation and answer questions at the end about whatever you want (I’m guessing it will be heavily focused on manufactured spending). Sound good? 

Let’s shoot for Saturday, August 12 at 2 PM (PT)/5 PM (ET)

If you want to join in on this Re-DO, just leave a comment and let me know which topics you want me to discuss. Be sure to enter your correct email address in the form so I can email you an invite…once I figure out how all of that even works. Skype accommodates up to 25 participants per call. If we go over this number, I’ll try to schedule another session to give a chance to join to whoever is interested.

Thoughts, comments, questions? Feel free to leave them below.

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57 thoughts on “Ann Arbor Re-DO?”

  1. Ooh! Are you gonna post a trip report on the missed flt? Inquiring minds want the blow by blow! Sorry that happened btw.

  2. So sorry you missed your flight. I would love to attend your Skype Do. I’d like to know what’s involved in the money order transaction report that one must fill out when you buy $3,000 or more of MOs at Walmart.

    Also some tips on the best uses of the Serve card.

  3. I would like to be on your Skype call. What else can I do besides buy $2465. worth of gift cards from and then buy 3 MO’s at Walmart in NJ for .70 each. ($1000. imitation per MO) I get 1% back at BeFrugal.

  4. Me, me, me…. I am interested!
    Side note: I have sent you two email inquiries in the past 2 months, never did get a reply. is it not a good way to communicate with you?

  5. I would like to attend, although 5pm Saturday evening maybe a tough time. Both topics are of interest to me.

  6. Might suggest that you use some sort of streaming broadcast service like Youtube Live when you hit the Skype limit.

    I would love to hear how fellow Bay Area MS’ers are kicking it 🙂

  7. I’d certainly be interested in a webcast, thanks for offering the option for those with inflexible work obligations 😉

  8. I would love to attend if you’re scheduling a second session as I won’t be able to attend the August 12th session. I’m interested in MS.

  9. Love to join. If MS is the topic, would appreciate insights on what to do when options are few, like living in a nonMS friendly city?

  10. I attended the Ann Arbor DO and was disappointed to hear you couldn’t get there. I’m interested in joining your Re-DO and would like to hear about MS, just like all the others.

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