Simon Mall $1,000 Visa gift card promo extended through October

Update  on 10/28/19: The $1,000 Simon Mall VISA gift card deal has been extended “indefinitely.”

Great news for those of you who like hassle-free gift card churning: Simon Mall is extending the $1,000 Visa promotion through October 31, 2019! Simon Mall had originally planned on running this promotion through August 4, then extended it through August 31 when reports surfaced of some locations turning away “new” card churners. 

The fact that this is now being extended through October is great news. The announcement, which was sent around to bloggers, specified the following:

  • Extended through October 31st!
  • Available to all Loyalty Points purchasers, no restrictions on new or existing Gamer customers.
  • New gamers welcome!
$500 Visa Gift Card Simon Mall
Simon Mall $1,000 Visa gift cards are coming next week!

When I initially reported this news back in June, I got a lot of flack from people who called BS. Even Simon Mall denied this was happening. I realize I haven’t sufficiently gloated about the fact that I was right and everyone else was wrong.

So I’m pointing it out now, in case anyone who gave me crap for it needs a reminder that I was right and they were wrong. 

If you’re scratching your head about why this promotion is such a big deal, I’ve covered the topic extensively before. Here is a brief refresher on everything you need to know about Simon Mall’s $1,000 Visa gift card promo:

Are $1000 Visa gift cards from Simon a good deal?

As I recently pointed out, Simon Mall’s $1,000 Visa gift cards aren’t the cheapest option out there. Buying Visa gift cards from GiftCardMall and Staples works out much less than $3.95 per $1,000.

In fact, if you have the Dosh app, you can get 4% cash back (up to $10 per day) at Safeway and Kroeger’s with a registered credit card. 

Note: I will get a $10 bonus if you sign up with my Dosh referral link (code ARIANAA10) and link a credit card. 

So why bother with Simon Mall? Because it’s faster and easier than liquidating $500 Visa gift cards. A lot of Walmart stores let you buy money orders in a single transaction, up to four card swipes.

With $500 gift cards that limits you to $2,000, including fees. Using the $1,000 Visa gift cards doubles your liquidation ability. 

Which credit cards should I use to buy $1000 Visa gift cards?

Here’s where it gets tricky. American Express no longer pays out rewards of any kind (sign-up bonuses, regular earnings) on Simon Mall purchases. In fact, they’ve added language to their terms that exclude any gift card purchases from earning points.

Citi is also said to be clamping down on churning, though not to the extent that American Express has. With Chase, you always want to be careful in general and I’ve covered that along with how to avoid a shut-down. That’s not to say you can’t use Chase credit cards at Simon Mall. I  just wouldn’t overdo it. 

So what’s left? Every card, really, as long as you churn in moderation. I personally used this promotion to earn over $1,000 worth of cash back last month. I focused my spending on the Fidelity Rewards Visa and Discover It Miles Card. But do what works for you.

Side note: If you want a referral for the Discover it Miles Card, let me know!

What is the fee on a $1,000 Visa gift card from Simon Mall?

The fee on a $1,000 Visa gift card from Simon Mall is just $3.95. That’s pretty great, considering most other merchants charge $4.95+ per $500 card.

It’s important to note, however, that unlike other merchants, Simon Mall gift cards don’t qualify for credit card category bonuses.

How many $1,000 Visa gift cards can I buy per day?

Simon Mall allows you to buy up to $10,000 worth of Visa gift cards per day (including fees). Beyond that, you’ll have to be established to buy up to $25,000 per day. Doing so requires you to provide your social security number.

What’s the new purchase process?

Simon Mall recently introduced a new procedure for gift card purchases over $10,000. Basically, it involves them storing your information on their computer instead of a binder.

Every time you buy more than $10,000 worth of gift cards, you’ll fill out a much shorter form that simply confirms all of your information is up to date. That shortens the time you spend buying gift cards, which is always a plus.

Final thoughts

Since I’m leaving my job at the end of the month, I can’t liquidate gift cards at my usual Walmart (which was on the way to work). So I haven’t been taking full advantage of this promotion as of late.

Now that it’s been extended, I will probably drop by once a week for a $10,000 purchase that I can liquidate in smaller batches locally. It’s not ideal, but I’m happy to do it since it saves me time. 

Besides, my cash back credit cards and Dosh Rewards will help offset some of the Simon Mall fees. Are you going to take advantage of Simon Mall’s $1,000 Visa gift card promo now that it’s been extended through October?

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50 thoughts on “Simon Mall $1,000 Visa gift card promo extended through October”

  1. Just to confirm, as I’m new, I can not use my HIlton Amex for the minimum spend requirement by buying this, correct?

    1. I would do some reading. there are a fair amount of reports that amex hasn’t been giving ANY points for simon mall purchases since april. call it anecdotal, but a $9k VGC purchase at simon on my biz plat last month earned me zero MR points.

  2. Ariana,
    I have been in several Simon Malls (VA, LA, FL) and all Cashiers and even Managers said these $1,000 GCs are here to stay.

  3. Sudhir Krishnan

    Awesome news! Few days back, I asked our local Simon rep as to how much more volume they are getting as a result of the $1,000 cards and she said it was 20% more. She added that not all folks get $1,000 cards – many still opt for $500.
    If she had her numbers right and the same was true across all Simon malls, I figured that the promotion would not be extended as the cards cost 50% less and at just 20% more volume it would be a money loser. Am glad that the promotion is working out well for Simon as it is for us! 🙂

  4. I think it is so funny you rubbing it in the faces of your detractors. No other blogger does that. It’s refreshing to see an honest blogger.
    Screw the so-called high road. It’s your blog, say what you feel.

    1. Seems like one ones with a dedicated money services desk are better. And it can just the person you get that day, some could care less, and some are super strict. If you get turned away try a different time, or watch for a different clerk or location.

        1. I need to spend $1k more on a Barclays Arrival + card in order to have the 10,000 min miles required to redeem. Definitely going to try buying a $1k GC to “unlock” the rest of my miles. Redeeming miles with this card has been more of a hassle than I expected. Happy to be closing it out soon.

    2. I realize that not everyone has access to a WMT Neighborhood Market, but I’ve found it to be much easier to buy MO’s and load GoBank at a Neighborhood Market than a Supercenter. Try to go the same time of day and day(s) of week to build a relationship with the customer service cashiers and CSM’s. Just making small talk helps, even explaining what it is you’re doing. Talk about the amazing free trips you take if they aren’t busy (Neighborhood Markets rarely are). You will be surprised how friendly they become and actually seem happy to see you when you walk up.

      This has worked quite well for me out here in “small” town USA, a.k.a., flyover country.

      1. Hello. So can you deposit MO at online? Have a chase acct now but after reading up on Chase and how not MO friendly they are I’m thinking about changing banks. thanks in advance

        1. No, you just use the VGC to load directly to GoBank. No need to buy the MO’s. I buy MO’s for deposit in my regular bank accounts and after that, if they aren’t busy, I load a couple of VGC’s to GoBank.

          I would just open up a couple of accounts with smaller regional banks to do your MO’s through if you don’t want to use Chase.

          1. Ah okay. I think your comment above confused me
            “but I’ve found it to be much easier to buy MO’s and load GoBank at a Neighborhood Market than a Supercenter”
            So you’re just loading the VGC directly to the gobank checking account. You can do that online it sounds like? That’s pretty nifty. Thank you so much for your info.

  5. In theory these 1K cards are easier to liquidate – 4 swipes for 4K of MOs. But anything over 3K and Was require your SS and occupation (in addition to your DL). It’s not on paper anymore, they enter it into their computers. How do you guys feel about giving this info for the sake of quickly liquidating? Is it worth it? Or is it better to stick to 2K at a time. And if so, then what’s the difference what you swipe for 2K – 4 of $500 cards or 2 of $1000 cards?

    1. I do $4k at a time and give the info. depends on what you value, though…privacy or points.
      $500 cards have almost 2x the “cost” to liquidate. for me, one $4k transaction using $1k cards involves less time and lower VGC fees than $2k transactions and/or $500 VGCs.

    2. When you use four swipes does it automatically zero out the card and then ask for another payment (like it does at my grocery store self checkout when I’m using up low balance gift cards) or do I need to tell the cashier to put $1k on each card? Any other tricks?

      My local grocery store chain is perfect for up to $500 which was good enough for my low volume but now that I’m going to try Simon out I’ll need a more efficient method to liquidate.

      1. At WMT you have to tell the cashier how much to take off of each card, ie if you want $4K of MO’s you say you are using 4 cards and you want to put $1k on each and pay the MO fee in cash.

        1. Thank you, very helpful. I’ll have to try this next time I’m near one as I don’t want to wear out my welcome at my grocery store.

        2. Thanks again, was able to use up my last three there with no issues whatsoever, just a DL scan and asking her to put 1k on the first two cards and the balance on the third. She knew they were Simon cards so I’m guessing I wasn’t the first she’d seen do this!

          1. You’re welcome, happy to help and glad it worked. First few times at a new location feel awkward, then it gets easier.

  6. Kat – No, you go to WMT to load the VGC’s onto GoBank. Can’t be done online. I was saying for me, it is much easier and less hassle to buy MO’s OR load GoBank at a WMT Neighborhood Market rather than a WMT Supercenter.

  7. WM also asks your occupation…which would not be a problem, except I am in a medical field, and I am afraid “Big Brother” is watching us, and for them medical profession = drugs…so I worry that my 4K MO transactions would look super suspicious…yet I hesitate giving a fake occupation…what do you state for your occupation when WM asks it in addition to your SS?

    1. You have to go to the mall office to purchase them. Depending on the quantity you want to purchase, it helps to call ahead and tell them so they will have them ready for you. These VGC’s have to be “programmed” (not sure what the actual term is) by the office. I buy 15 – 25 at a time, so it’s time consuming for them and by calling ahead they have the order waiting when I get there.

  8. Bought my first 1K today at Vacaville Outlets. Surprised at how familiar rep was with MS. She even knew who you were when I mentioned bay area blogger.
    Planning on picking up a Spark Business card and running ~8K monthly + regular spend to meet the 50K minimum. Think I can pull this off, or will it likely trigger a shutdown? (No other credit history with Cap 1, 120K personal income, 10K Business Income)

      1. Isn’t it great to deal with people who understand what we do? The staff at the SM I go to are great and always happy to accommodate me!

  9. I’ve never been to a Simon Mall, but going to take a shot this weekend. Do ALL simon outlet malls have an office to buy these? I didn’t realize outlet malls had offices. I’m just looking to avoid an hour long drive for nothing

    1. Of the ones I have been to, the bigger ones have a customer service desk in the main mall hallway where you can buy gift cards. The smaller ones have offices. I believe the customer service desks are open whenever the mall is open, but the office hours are definitely more limited. Definitely check the office hours before going.

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