My month in manufactured spending: Earning over 100,000 miles without MS or credit cards

New Hilton Honors American Express Credit Card

It’s been a loooong time, I know. I’ve been MIA because now that I have a job that doesn’t involve standing in line at Walmart and writing endless freelance posts about credit cards, I can’t always keep up with blogging. But I’m back and I’ve actually earned some points this last month, so I thought … Read more

Reader question: How do I get started with credit cards and manufactured spending?

Reward Credit Cards for Beginners

Reader Grant emailed me with a manufactured spending question that’s pretty common among newbies, so I thought I’d share my answer in a post. Also, I’m out of content ideas so I figured a reader question would make a good post. “I’ve been researching and have been looking to start MS’ing. I’m wondering what the … Read more